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What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Lyme Disease?
Chronic Lyme disease is a syndrome that mimics so many other conditions and is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, ALS and a myriad of other conditions. Some Lyme disease sufferers recall a tick bite and others can’t but there are symptoms which are common for the condition:
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Foggy thinking and inability to make decisions
- Emotional disturbances including anxiety and depression
- Headaches
- Vision changes
- Neurological symptoms including weakness and tingling sensations
Lyme disease patients usually suffer from at least a few of the above symptoms.
The introduction of the bacteria borelia burgdorferii by an infected tick is what causes the symptoms experienced by Lyme disease sufferers. Other co-infections may also contribute to the symptom picture. Laboratory testing via Western Blot fails to pick up the bacteria after a short window following the initial bite. Other tests, including IGenX Lyme Panel will often pick up these infections and possible co-infections.
Lyme Disease Treatment Options
Effective advanced naturopathic treatment for Chronic Lyme disease is available at our clinic. Health Canada regulations do not allow us to tell you of the treatments that are available to you. Please contact our office for more information. Many of our Lyme disease patients improve with our custom therapies and some are completely clear of further symptoms. However, there are no guarantees with these treatments. Other patients who have had antibiotic therapy, either IV or oral, have come back to request our treatments because of its effectiveness for them, its lack of side effects and the way that they feel compared to antibiotic treatment.
This is a promising new therapy developed to rid the body of Lyme disease and its devastating symptoms and allow the patient to return to functioning maximally.
Are These Lyme Disease Treatments Right For Me?
Book an appointment or call our office today at (204) 808-1878 to discuss potential treatment options. Our experts will guide you in the right direction.
Book an appointment or call our office today at (204) 808-3632 to discuss potential treatment options.