Causes of cancer heavy metals

Winnipeg Cancer Treatments

Our clinic focuses on the treatment of all types of cancer & all stages of cancer, including treatment for stage 4 & terminal cancers. Located in Winnipeg, Canada, we are an integrative medicine clinic that offers some of the world’s most advanced integrative cancer treatments available at a fraction of the cost of European or Mexican Cancer Clinics. Ty Bollinger has described many integrative cancer treatment options & natural remedies for cancer in his video “The Truth About Cancer”.  Complementary cancer treatments are cancer treatments used alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy, radiation & surgery.

Natural Cancer Treatments

Our clinic is directed by a licensed naturopathic doctor & offers many integrative cancer treatment options as well as the latest advanced integrative cancer treatments. Health Canada does not allow us to describe the individual therapies that we offer for our cancer patients on our website. We are hoping these regulations change, to allow people like you to get accurate, trusted information from a good source about integrative cancer therapies. Our office can be reached if you would like more information on the services we provide.

Certain cancers are followed accurately using unique laboratory testing including circulating tumour cell (CTC) testing, not performed by standard oncologists. This is a non-invasive method for tracking cancer treatments without exposure to CT radiation. As well, testing for causes of cancer such as lead, cadmium and benzene can also be performed to see if these toxins are present in the body & then eliminated using naturopathic treatment protocols. Sensitivity testing for naturopathic medicines & chemotherapy can be performed that can show which medicines the cancer is particularly sensitive to as well as genetic markers that can outline the most effective cancer targets. Cancer therapies & testing are individualized for each patient.

Integrative Cancer Treatment Travel & Accommodations

Treatment duration can be discussed with front desk staff at the time of the initial booking. Patients travelling in for treatment are responsible for booking their own accommodation arrangements while in Winnipeg for their treatments. Accommodation near the clinic (578 Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba) includes:

River Gate Inn

186 W Gate
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 2E1


Delta Hotel by Marriott

350 St Mary Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3J2


The Fort Garry Hotel

222 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 0R3


Integrative medicine cancer research is expanding dramatically & more & more effective cancer treatments are being found & validated. However, oncologists have no training in integrative & complementary medicine in North America & will not offer these medicines or tests. Often these medicines are discouraged despite the numerous studies & clinical results showing their benefits. It is different in certain European countries, where every graduating doctor has training in integrative medicine & these therapies are often encouraged & are sometimes part of standard oncology care there.

Experience world-class natural cancer treatment by calling 1-204-775-4539 Monday to Friday 9-6 pm CST.

Cancer facts

What causes cancer? Why are cancer rates increasing? It’s not just aging but the chemicals we are exposed to that can contribute to cancer initiation & spread. Chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal therapies, targeted therapies, immunotherapies & surgery are only a few options. Complete the picture & make therapies more effective with evidence-based, effective natural oncology cancer therapies.

Cancer Types & Stages of Cancer

All cancer types & stages are treated at our clinic. Treatments are individualized to cancer type & patent. No two cancers or no two patients are treated the same.

  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Prostate cancer


Chemotherapy is a double-edged sword. It can shrink tumours but also can cause severe side effects including weakening the immune system, hair loss, nausea & weight loss, neuropathy (tingling of the hands & fingers, in particular), fatigue, secondary cancers, death and more. Perhaps the most deadly effect is the fact that chemotherapies miss-treating cancer stem cells, which often contribute to the very common recurrence of cancer seen after rounds of chemotherapy. We have found that chemotherapy can cause an aggressive resurgence of cancer after treatment & we now know the mechanism behind chemotherapy resistance by molecules released by healthy cells terminated by chemotherapy. Our complementary cancer treatments help patients with chemotherapy side effects & address cancer stem cells with natural medicines.

Complementary/Integrative cancer treatment

Naturopathic medicine improves cancer treatment outcomes. Experience effective cancer treatments while improving quality of life.

Complementary/Integrative cancer testing

 New methods that can keep reliable track of treatment efficacy without exposure to CT scans & radiation. Naturopathic testing can show exposure to cancer-causing chemicals & metals that can be eliminated through proper treatment. Coffee enemas are a common therapy but aren’t necessary unless there is exposure. Find out exposure levels first

CTC. Circulating Tumour Cell test (liquid biopsy)

A blood sample tells the amount of circulating tumour cells for particular cancers & can be used to track naturopathic cancer treatment efficacy.


Sensitive testing for the presence of cancer & cancer stem cells. Effective after surgery such as lumpectomy, mastectomy, prostatectomy, colorectal surgery, etc. to see if there are still unseen cancer cells in the body.

R.G.C.C. (Greece) Tests

Indicate natural cancer agents & chemotherapy that will be effective for the individual.

Urine Toxic Metals Test & Herbicide, pesticide, volatile organic compounds & PCB testing

Find out if any of these cancer-causing agents may be in body.

Standard tumor markers

CA 125, CA 15-3, CEA, etc. Also PSA. Blood tests can help to indicate cancer improvement or worsening.

Genetic testing

HER2, BRAC, BRAF, RAS. Blood tests. Genes can show which targeted agents can be used to treat the cancer.

Problems with repeated CT scans

exposure to repeated radiation can cause cancer. Fewer scans are better for cancer patients.

Cancer Diets:
Dr. Ceaser’s Cancer Diet
Gerson Diet/Therapy
Budwig Diet

Book an initial phone consult & then travel to Winnipeg for an integrative treatment by calling 1-204-775-4539.