Dr. Sean Ceaser is a licensed naturopathic doctor in the provinces of Manitoba and British Columbia. He has been practicing naturopathic medicine since 1999 and currently helps patients at the Centre for Natural Pain Solutions in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He has a special focus on alternative cancer treatments/therapies and chronic pain.
Dr. Ceaser has also worked at the Natural Health Sciences Research Clinic in Lake Oswego, Oregon where he researched natural medicines. He served as Instructor and Director of Curriculum at the Manitoba College of Homeopathic Medicine and is the first Naturopathic Physician to represent Complementary Therapy at the Health Sciences Centre, Mature Women’s Health Program.
Education & Training
Dr. Ceaser graduated in 1999 from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, the longest standing accredited naturopathic college in North America. Prior to this 4 year full time medical program, he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with honours from the University of Winnipeg (Biology).
Dr. Ceaser has advanced training in IV therapy, prolotherapy, neural therapy, mesotherapy, mistletoe therapy for cancer, CranioSacral therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, and oxidative therapies including ozone and hydrogen peroxide.
Training in naturopathic medicine includes biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, lab diagnosis, dermatology, pediatrics and many other medical clinical courses. Naturopathic physicians have extensive training in natural therapies and a holistic approach to treating patients.
Learn more about Dr. Ceaser’s education and expertise by clicking a link below:
- Naturopathic Training
- Prolotherapy/Prolozone
- Ozone-oxygen & Oxidative Therapies Training
- Chelation Therapy Training
- Nutritional IV Therapy Training
- Neural Therapy Training
- Environmental Medicine Training
- Mistletoe Therapy Training
- CranioSacral Therapy Training
- Cancer Therapy and Treatment Training
A Message From Dr. Ceaser
“My mission is to offer the best healthcare to my patients. Whether that is educating them, directing them to where they can receive the best treatment to ensure the best outcome or providing them the best alternative healthcare options for their conditions, I want to help in every way I can.
Being educated in standard medical care is important to improving the situation for all of my patients, as is knowing a full line of naturopathic medical treatments for virtually all health concerns. I hope I can help you achieve optimal health with whatever condition you have with humility, humor and compassion.“