Evaluating Integrative Cancer Treatments in Mexico and Canada
Throughout my years in practice, I have spoken with many cancer patients who are aware of integrative cancer treatment in Mexico, and they are often surprised to hear that we offer integrative therapies to our patients, such as Oncothermia, right here in Canada.
Our cancer treatment centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, offers many of the same integrative treatments and diagnostic tools as the popular Mexican clinics, namely Oasis of Hope, Hope4Cancer, and treatment centres discussed in The Truth About Cancer; and in some cases, we offer more options.
Choosing an integrative cancer specialist is a complex decision with a variety of factors depending on the patient and/or their treatment. To help in the decision-making process, I have outlined the specific integrative treatments offered at our centre and the main clinics in Tijuana Mexico. I am going to share my observations and opinions on the pros and cons of getting treatment here at our treatment centre, compared to getting a treatment in a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.
First, I would like to acknowledge that the major integrative clinics in Tijuana Mexico have significantly advanced the awareness and practice of integrative cancer treatments. They are well-respected clinics and have improved and lengthened the lives of thousands of people living with cancer.
Integrative cancer treatments like those found in Mexico are available closer to home in Winnipeg, Canada a much reduced cost. Call 204-775-4539 Today!
There are dangers in every country, however, for the most part, people would agree that Canada is a safe country to live in and to travel within. There are numerous instances where the Government of Canada has issued travel advisories about Mexico and for Canadians to return home.
There is a sense of safety for patients in Canada living with cancer knowing that their home is nearby. There are no borders to cross, and generally, the travel is relatively simple. This is even more important for patients that get a treatment program that extends over a long period of time, such as a year.
Mexico currently has one of the highest levels of COVID and many international governments recommend, as of this posting, that people don’t travel there.
Insurance is a complicated and highly personal topic. One significant consideration is if patients living with cancer can get insurance or not. In many cases, having cancer will be considered a pre-existing condition. In some instances, interprovincial health insurance might be advised, however, the additional insurance is relatively inexpensive.
Medical Costs
Integrative cancer treatment is not an inexpensive endeavour, although the objective is to extend and improve the quality of life for patients living with cancer. In some cases, patients can have their extended health benefits cover their cancer treatments and in other cases, naturopathic treatments are not covered.
The top Mexican clinics typically offer an intensive three-week protocol, and the prices are generally in the CAD $40,000-$70,000 range, depending upon the centre. The better clinics tend to have higher costs to them. At our clinic, we take a different approach, as you’ll see below, but in short, a patient could get a year’s worth of Integrative cancer therapy for the price of just three weeks in Mexico. Typically, Integrative cancer therapies at our centre are about CAD$12,000 for our three-week protocol, not including accommodations. Depending on the choice the patient makes, accommodations here can be less expensive than comparable accommodations in Mexico.
Oncotherm vs. Radio Frequency Therapy: We offer Oncotherm hyperthermia treatments at our centre in Winnipeg. The Oncotherm treatment has had hundreds of studies performed on the units, is Health Canada-approved, and has been used in cancer therapy in other countries, such as Germany, for decades.
Oncotherm treatment uses radio frequencies generated by the hyperthermia unit that generates heat to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumours. The heat generated by the radiofrequency can harm or kill cancer cells by damaging proteins and structures within the tumour cells. There is also damage to blood vessels feeding tumours that cause less blood flow to the tumour, which can help slow its growth. The joules used in the Oncotherm treatment are carefully controlled to limit damage to normal cells and tissues. Researchers have also found that heat can trigger an immune response that may help fight cancer. Canadian Cancer Society
While researching treatment options in Mexico, be sure to confirm that the centre is using true hyperthermia machines, or if they are simply using handheld radiofrequency devices that don’t heat the tumours being treated. Local-regional hyperthermia (OncoTherm) that targets specific areas rather than whole-body hyperthermia tends to be better for local tumours (breast, prostate, colorectal, lung or metastasis). Whole-body hyperthermia tends to be good for blood-borne cancers (leukemia, multiple myeloma).
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a non-invasive cancer therapy that increases the length and quality of life in patients with stage 1 to stage 4 cancer. PEMF therapy brings health benefits to treated patients by enhancing the patient’s prognosis increasing the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and reducing drug dosage. Pulsed electromagnetic therapy is an approved therapy for brain cancer in the U.S. Many other cancers may be effectively treated by PEMF.
PEMF treats many symptoms experienced by cancer patients, including pain and swelling (lymphedema). We have treated cancer patients using high-gauss Health Canada-approved PEMF devices at our cancer clinic with great success and many of the centres in Mexico are using this little-known but very effective cancer therapy.
Low-dose chemotherapy is offered by some of my colleagues in Mexico and is not offered at our treatment centre in Winnipeg. It uses a less harmful version of standard chemotherapy boosted by natural complementary Integrative treatments to make it more tolerable with fewer side effects. This therapy can be an effective treatment for cancers that have previously been resistant to other Integrative treatments including chemotherapy.
Blanket Testing
Laboratory testing is an essential tool for any patient undergoing a cancer treatment program. Any centre not using labs to monitor integrative treatments is highly suspect. The majority of Mexican cancer centres use standard testing for monitoring their cancer patients. Our centre also offers individualized cancer monitoring including:
- CTC (Circulating tumour cell count)
- Chest X-rays
- CBC’s complete blood count
- Chemistry screen
- Tumour marker (up to six)
- G6PD
- Detoxification

IV Therapies
There are many similarities between what is offered in Mexico and what we offer in our protocol with regard to IV therapies. In all cases, our clinics offer a wide variety of IV therapies, including high-dose vitamin C, IV ozone, IV curcumin, IV PolyMVA and many more cancer IVs; however, we don’t offer IV Laetrile, while Mexican clinics generally do.
While Laetrile, Amygdalin, or B17 cancer treatments are well-known therapy offered in Mexican centres. Unfortunately, these IV treatments have shown little anticancer activity in animal studies and no anticancer activity in human clinical trials. Our centre focuses on IV therapies, such as IV vitamin C, IV PolyMVA, IV artesunate that has studies showing mechanisms of action and their effectiveness in specific cancers.
Mistletoe Therapy
These treatments are the mainstay of cancer treatment programs in Germany and other European countries. It’s often prescribed by oncologists there for its use alongside chemotherapy and radiation often covered by their healthcare. Our centre uses specific mistletoe therapies for specific cancers and are added to IVs in order to induce apoptosis and enhance the immune response to tumours. It is widely studied but however, remains a rare therapy in Mexico.
Since diet has such an impact on avoiding cancer and during the treatment process, both our centre and the top Mexican clinics have specific diet protocols tailored for each patient.
Related Information: Finding medical advice regarding diets that are recommended for preventing cancer takes a lot of online navigation. Here, my Cancer Diet outlines the use of scientifically validated food to aid in the treatment of cancer. Eating a plant-based diet every day, full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and foods rich in vitamin C, is full of health benefits, and can reduce the risk of cancers and tumour growth. This simple diet inhibits the growth of cancer cells in different types of cancer. It is easy to follow and does not require hours of preparation.
Quality of life means spending time having fun and not having to constantly prepping foods that other cancer diets demand. This diet will increase your health and could help to protect you from getting various cancers, as well as helping to fight cancer.
Weighing Your Options For Integrative Cancer Treatment
We offer many of the same treatments as in Mexico, and more in some cases, at a fraction of the cost for our patients. When you stay in Canada it is easier to get the medical help you might need if something were to go wrong. You also do not have to worry about the cost as well as the struggle to obtain travel insurance.
When deciding where you want to get your integrative cancer treatments, make sure you look at all of the factors and make the choice that will be right for you.
Please contact our team of experts in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to see what the best cancer treatment plan is for you or a loved one.